Saturday, December 5, 2009

Random thoughts

Just to keep my few readers in continued shock that I am actually blogging's today's random thoughts.

Golden Retrievers are some of the most amazing dogs. Smart, loyal, loving, and so funny. Asher was proudly parading around the house with the string from a balloon in his mouth, balloon floating above him , saying look at me, aren't I great? Silly dog. :)

I am again astounded, amazed and grateful when I see a word of the Lord coming true. I have been going through a rough season for a while, not fully understanding all of it. Part of it certainly came from some things at my work. The Lord told me about a month ago to hang on, there would be changes by the first of the year. He didn't tell me what kind of changes. Well, this past Thursday there were some major changes announced. I stand in awe that the Lord of all the universe would stoop to encourage my heart with such a specific word. How good He is to us.

Can't believe my baby is 18 years old. I know I sound like an old woman when I say, where did the years go? My full-time mothering years are waning rapidly. While I know there are seasons for everything, I have to say that being a full time mom was absolutely one of the greatest delights of my life. I LOVED being at home, raising my kids. And the amazing people they are today is a testimony of God's faithfulness.

Off to do some online Christmas shopping.

Monday, November 30, 2009

God uses imperfect vessels

We all go through tough times—those Red Sea moments, if you will when you feel stuck between a rock and hard place and it seems as though nothing will change.

I felt the Spirit leading me share briefly with a few others about the difficult time my marriage went through a few years ago. The thing I always come back to when I think of that time, is that despite the pain of that season, I wouldn't trade it now. What God worked in my own heart (much less my husband's or our marriage) is now more precious to me than gold. I know in a much more intimate and solid way that He is my rock. He is solid ground for me no matter what I face.

Today, because I obeyed in speaking of what I have been embarrassed and even ashamed of—my own brokenness—God used what I spoke of to minister to another soul who is facing a breaking marriage. What I had spoken of gave her hope, gave her courage to ask questions, hopefully helped her shake the shame and embarrassment she was feeling. I pray for the restoration of this marriage—I told her God is able to do the impossible. I've seen it; I've lived it.

I guess the point that hit me today is how we all try to hide our brokenness, whatever the situation may be. I felt shame and embarrassment during that time. Like I had let, was letting, the Lord down. I was tarnishing His good name.

While there are times that our actions can certainly do that, more and more what I am seeing is that it is in our very brokenness, when we have nothing to hold onto anymore—that is where God loves to shine. And He heals our brokenness and He calls us to share it with one another. It is not my "together" life that is going to help another hurting person. It's me being real and letting God shine through all the warts, pain, sorrow, and sin. Because then, He truly gets all the glory.

He loves to use imperfect vessels. I pray you choose to let Him use you.


Saturday, November 28, 2009

Life goes on...

Last night we were talking with our almost 18-year-old daughter. She expressed so well what we are all feeling as we mourn with the family who just lost their daughter. She noted how it's good to have a busy day today to take her mind off of the grief she is feeling for this family. At the same time, how incredibly callous it feels that life goes on.

I have felt the same way. Both in this difficult circumstance as well as when my mom lost her husband a few years back. I felt that it was cruel for the sun to rise and set as normal; for children to play; for the mail to be delivered. At the same time, it is those very normal activities that draw the grieving back into life. I stand in awe of our God who is so wise to work things out this way.

And so, life does go on...for our loving Father is the giver of all life and He does it in big and small ways. So today, I thank Him for sustaining the mourning family, granting them strength for the moment. And I thank Him for the daily rhythm that will gradually call each hurting heart back into life. I continue to pray for a healthy grieving process for them, in whatever time and way they need.


Friday, November 27, 2009

Time of Thanksgiving and mourning

I have so much to be eternally grateful for and have really been spending time thanking God for so much the last few days. Salvation, His continued transformation of our lives, my husband, my son and his wife, my two beautiful daughters. Our nation, our soldiers and their families. God's over all goodness to His creation.

Today, I learned of the passing of a lovely 17-year-old girl after a valiant fight with cancer. My heart mourns with this family. We have known them for several years, as our son and the older sister were friends in high school. We are weeping and grieving as though we had deep relationship with Lindsay and her family. Yet we don't.

But praying for Lindsay as she fought cancer over the last couple of years has totally captured our hearts. From my husband to my almost 18-year-old daughter, to me, we have been interceding deeply for Lindsay and her family. I find this so amazing that our God would so trust His children to intercede and come along side people who are going though incredible difficulties. What a great God we serve that He cares so much to express His heart through to hurting ones through us, even if from a distance.

And so I continue on in gratefulness, while mourning this lovely young lady. Please pray for Lindsay's family as they walk through this time of grief.