Friday, February 9, 2007

Writing is work!

I have known that writing is hard work. I just would rather forget the grunge work that has to happen alongside the actual fun writing! The next few days I will be spending doing research on the various publishers and agents who are attending the conference next week. Then I need to decide which ones I will contact and write out some questions I want to ask them.

I also need to pull some writing samples to show them my style and voice. Depending on which publishers I will be contacting, I will need to find/write samples that will fit their market. I finally need to prepare a query for the book about military families so that I can also get their input on it. Lots of work. I don't particularly like this end of things simply because it's hard to define "productive" in this area. I am praying for clear direction for all of this. I want to be as prepared as possible at the conference. I know the Lord has me attending for a reason. I will just have to wait and see if that has anything to do with writing or if the reason is more focused on a person whom I will connect with. I will have to be alert in all areas. Hmmm. . . isn't that what He has been saying? I want to make the most of the opportunities I am given, for the time is short.


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