Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Pass along encouragements

I needed to share that my mom read my post about the article getting bought by Chicken Soup and called me shouting practically: "I'm so proud of you!"

That was such a tremendous treat for me. My husband was excited for me when I told him; my girls were happy; my son congratulated me. But my mom's enthusiastic response was over the top and just made me float. Guess that's because she expressed the same emotion I felt when I found out.

That's the funny, incredible thing about women who are in close relationships—be they friends, siblings, mothers and daughters—we can "get" each other's highs and lows in ways that others don't. Maybe it's because we are so emotionally and relationally connected.

And I needed to share that with others: when you get the chance to "hurrah" for someone: Shout it out! It will feel good on your end and you will inevitably make someone's day. So take the time, when opportunities arise, to bless and laugh and shout and dance with the incredible people in your life.


Sunday, September 2, 2007

Exciting writing news!

I was thrilled by an email I received a couple of days ago: the article I wrote for Chicken Soup for the Empty Nester's Soul sold!

To say I was surprised was an understatement. Honestly I had forgotten about the submission because it had been so long.

The article is a light-hearted account describing the weird sensations and emotions that come from having a child return home and college and finding him more of a guest than just one of the family.

So when Chicken Soup for the Empty Nester's Soul comes out in August 2008, look for my article titled "The Surprise Guest."
