Saturday, December 5, 2009

Random thoughts

Just to keep my few readers in continued shock that I am actually blogging's today's random thoughts.

Golden Retrievers are some of the most amazing dogs. Smart, loyal, loving, and so funny. Asher was proudly parading around the house with the string from a balloon in his mouth, balloon floating above him , saying look at me, aren't I great? Silly dog. :)

I am again astounded, amazed and grateful when I see a word of the Lord coming true. I have been going through a rough season for a while, not fully understanding all of it. Part of it certainly came from some things at my work. The Lord told me about a month ago to hang on, there would be changes by the first of the year. He didn't tell me what kind of changes. Well, this past Thursday there were some major changes announced. I stand in awe that the Lord of all the universe would stoop to encourage my heart with such a specific word. How good He is to us.

Can't believe my baby is 18 years old. I know I sound like an old woman when I say, where did the years go? My full-time mothering years are waning rapidly. While I know there are seasons for everything, I have to say that being a full time mom was absolutely one of the greatest delights of my life. I LOVED being at home, raising my kids. And the amazing people they are today is a testimony of God's faithfulness.

Off to do some online Christmas shopping.


Chris Krycho said...

Ooh, shopping... for me?

Oh, wait... I haven't sent you a list yet. Never mind. :p

As a side note (I'm sending that list today): we need ideas for all of you just as much. ;-)

Jaimie Krycho said...

Oh, Asher. That is just adorable!