Monday, January 29, 2007


Today I have jumped into the 21st century! Though at times I have resisted technology to the point that my dear husband and son have labeled me a technophobe, I am joining the conversation. Hopefully my posts will help other beginning writers (and others just beginning to step out in their gifts) to have the courage to do so.

I have always longed to write, but struggled with feeling inadequate to the point that I was terrified to do so, even for myself. While I may want to lay some blame on my own perception growing up that my parents valued the practical beyond pursuing dreams, the truth of the matter is I walked in fear. I am not speaking of the feeling a little timid, but the overwhelming, no way can I do that!! kind of fear. The kind that says I am stupid for even considering this.

But what I have come to realize is that not only did the Lord give this gift to me, but that I am worshipping Him when I write what He shows me. And I have an enemy who has fought fiercely to keep me from writing. That tells me that the Lord does want to use me, otherwise why would the devil throw out so much resistance?

In being honest about the fits and starts of walking this out, I pray others will be encouraged. Let us begin . . .


Girl4God said...

Hey... I like the changes. This looks very nice.

Chris Krycho said...

Nice, Mom. I like it.

As far as the stuff on the side goes, it looks very sharp. I can tell you soon how to set up a set of links to the labels. You might add something like a "reflections" label to this particular post, and use that one for most of them, since they'll probably be that way. Love you!