Tuesday, January 30, 2007

First submission

Well, I did it. I submitted my first article. It was a piece I wrote for Chicken Soup for the Empty Nester's Soul. I guess I will find out in a few weeks/months if they bought it. The piece actually flowed out so quickly. Guess that's what happens when you write freely from the heart.

That is an area in which the Lord is freeing me. I have struggled for so long to write unhindered by my own fears. Since I am a perfectionist, I fight to not be constantly editing as I write. I have also wrestled against flowing with what the Spirit has put on my heart to write. Sometimes I have felt that I had no end to the thoughts in my heart; other times I couldn't put two sentences together.

As I have pondered why that is, my conclusion is that the words stop flowing when I have not taken time to be still before the Lord. There is something that happens when I silence my hectic day, thoughts, and heart just to sit at His feet and listen. That is when I am released. That is when I can hear clearly, and therefore the words flow easily. I am learning, quite slowly, how to be like Mary and let all the busyness of life stop while I sit at His feet.

This morning as I was reading, this verse struck me: "But you have been anointed by [you hold a sacred appointment from, you have been given an unction from] the Holy One ..." 1 John 2:20, AMP. This is the reason why I have felt so freed as I have begun to write. He has anointed me for this, He has given me the unction to do it. That not only encourages me greatly, it also makes me tremble; for I am accountable to Him for every word I write.

May He encourage you along your way today.

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