Thursday, August 16, 2007


Well, we got our daughter safely moved in at school. After a hot, sweaty day of moving multiple loads up three flights of stairs, and lots of arranging, and helping, she was settled. Of course later that night her boyfriend came up to see her with the help of her suite mate, they rearranged her room again. Makes me wonder why we spent so much time doing it the first time! :P

Of course this was somewhat to be expected since she is my girl and I am one to move things around multiple times to figure out how I want a room to look. I am happy she made the room her own.

As far as emotions here ... I am doing remarkably well. Maybe it has to do with going through this once before ... maybe it's being busy with a new job ... maybe it's because she has called home at least once per day since Tuesday! Girls are certainly different than guys.

It's funny because we miss her, miss touching base about her day, yet we are all doing okay too. Even her younger sister, the poetic drama queen, said I haven't felt like crying because the heavens have been doing it for me. (It's been raining a bunch!)

Actually this time and season is such a mixture of emotions; grief because we miss our kids, knowing that life will never look the same again. And as I told the youngest, just because it's different doesn't mean it's not good too.

Yet, I also feel such pride and joy seeing our daughter stepping out into the path the Lord has for her. What an exciting time for her. New classes, new friends, new places. As I told her, it's kind of like a big, long camp. With homework!

My job is going well, still learning the ropes. It's different because while I have worked as a freelance editor for a few years, I have done only what's requested per my instructions. Now I am the one giving the directions! I have the final say-so on all the products coming across my desk. And while I like having the power to change things that need changing, it is also somewhat intimidating. Daily as I am heading to work, I am asking the Lord to anoint what I am doing, that I would be a tool used by Him for His glory alone.

Well, enough rambling for tonight.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You have a wonderful relationship with her. There is a place inside us as women that longs for our Mommas, I believe. There is something about that relationship ... something intangible ... something spiritual ... created by God ... to be there forever ... no matter what. How wonderful that the distance is short and the phone is local!!!

Love hearing about your job.

You are wise ... I need to heed your words ... just because it's different doesn't mean it's not good ... 'cause it is good.