Thursday, February 21, 2008

Quirky senses of humor

I am not sure why some things tickle our funny bones and not someone else's. For some time I have found certain commercials highly amusing while not finding much on the rest of TV amusing in the least. I have always adored the Mac/PC commercials, probably because I was a Mac aficionado before it was cool and I have been surrounded by PC users/programmers. You can view some of them here.

My youngest gets the biggest giggles from the happy cows come from California commercials as seen here.

The latest commercial that has really gotten to me is the new Jeep commercial. Don't know why this cracks me up but I laugh out loud every time I see it.

Now why youngest loves the happy cows and I love the jeep one—who knows? Just something different for everyone. But whatever the cause, it is refreshing to have those belly chuckles regardless of where they come from.

So what tickles your funny bone?


Girl4God said...

I love that jeep commercial. I love you Mom!

Ame said...

Okay ... I came through here and watched the commercials ... must have got distracted b4 I could comment. This was fun, especially since I don't watch TV and have no idea what commercials are out there ... and, LOVED that jeep commercial, too! VERY funny!

Loved your Valentine's Day ... love it all the more so knowing the little I do of your family "story."