Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Exciting news

Well, some exciting news on the writing front! Yesterday my questionnaire for military spouses went out in a Family Readiness Group newsletter for the Texas National Guard. I am not sure of the reach of this newsletter, but I already received a reply from a lady in Omaha. I feel as though the ride has begun and I am just holding on tight! I am trembling, yet also very excited to see how the Lord brings Hidden Heroes (my working title) together. These families sacrifice so much. What an honor to tell their stories.

On a similar front, next week is the Writing for the Soul writer's conference. I will be learning from some of the best in the Christian publishing world. I am unsure at this point if I will be meeting with any publishers or agents one on one. Still praying over direction there and doing research.

Also, my Christian Writer's Guild mentor will be here to speak at the conference. I offered to act as tour guide to her on Wednesday. We will have the majority of the day to discuss all manner of writing and querying. I am thrilled to have some time getting to know her and also to be able to pick her brain.


1 comment:

Chris Krycho said...

That's exciting indeed. I'm looking forward to hearing how all of that ends up developing over the course of the next couple weeks. I think God could really use this for His glory.