Our oldest daughter has begun making a quilt. I have been fascinated to watch her do this from choosing the fabrics (which wen
t against what I would have imagined for her—surprise there is NO purple!) and seeing the excitement she has to work at this. Mind you, I am not a seamstress in any way shape or form. I feel quite proud to sew back on a button that has fallen off. My dear daughter has just taken a sewing class for the first time and then taken on the task of making a quilt for her dorm room which she'll be moving into in a little over a month! But she is furiously measuring and cutting and sewing away in her small amounts of free time. And I am standing a little in awe. I have pondered how in times past women would gather to quilt together, having work time and fellowship time combined.
Our youngest daughter has finally had the bicycling bug bite her. She was so excited last night to come home with her new bike that she bought with her own money. I am eager to see where this takes her. She has always been the little couch potato. The few times she was out on a bike, she did not enjoy it at all. But a funny thing happens when you work all day for months with people who not only like something but are avid about it. It has made me stop and think that is why the Lord te

Very interesting to watch both girls take off and try new things and also to see how fellowship is integral to every area of our lives.
Yup, yup. They're different alright!
One started stitching and we're praying the other one doesn't wind up with stitches (like her papa almost needed).
"It has made me stop and think that is why the Lord tells us to not forsake the gathering together with other believers. When you are around someone who is eager and excited about something, it has a way of rubbing off on us and actually changing our perceptions as well."
Wow ... I needed to read these words. Thank you.
How beautiful to watch your children really develop their character, personalities, gifts, talents, interests, and abilities ... it is hard to let them grow up, but there are rewards at every stage, I'm learning :)
What a gift ... to have three children with whom you can easily be so proud :)
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