Friday, July 6, 2007


This morning I spent some time going through an old journal I wrote over the last two years. Amazing the things I have learned, the things I have been healed of, the things I am still stuggling with. I see the prayers over quitting my job to be home more for my family as I am now considering going back to work. I see things I prayed over my son as he prepared and left for college; some answered already, some still in process. I read the things I asked of the Lord for each of my girls. Some complete, some just beginning to blossom, some no hint of yet.

And through it all, I saw the Father's faithful hand, guiding, encouraging, strengthening, supporting. How good He is to us. There were many things I prayed over and over and didn't think I saw any change. But now, two years later, I can see the change.

Day in, day out life has a tendency to clutter our view. I think that the distance we can gain either from time away from a situation or from a new physical location can help us to see more clearly, to gain new perspectives. In the moment, I am usually reacting to the situation or my own emotions. With a different perspective, I can begin to disearn those things that I made wise choices in and those that I may have been overreacting to. Only a different perspective offers me that vision.

Sometimes the Lord also uses others to bring that full vision to us. As I wrote of earlier this week, time spent with family and friends helps us to pick through the messes we can find ourselves in and offer us a new outlook with renewed focus and passion.

I would encourage each one to take time to look back to see how far you've come. And how far you still have to go. Just remember the Creator is busy at work in your life, adding another color here, another line there. Using everything, the good, the difficult, to fashion a great work of art for Him to delight in.

“My life is but a weaving between my Lord and me. I cannot choose the colors, nor all the pattern see. Sometimes He chooses sorrow and I, in foolish pride, forget He sees the upper and I the underside.

Not till the loom is silent and the shuttles cease to fly, will He reveal the pattern or tell the reason why. The dark threads are as useful in a weaver's skillful hand, as the threads of gold and silver in the pattern He has planned.”
(Author unknown)



Anonymous said...

i love that poem.

i love to read thru old journals, too, and see how poignantly the hand of God is working in my life. to see how faithful and able He is. to see our history together. the intimacy we share. it strengthens me; encourages me.

Blessed son of the King said...

Wonderful poem! I've never heard of Author Unknown... pretty talented guy though.

You certainly have come far!
Such a blessing you are!
You grow more beautiful by the day,
As God's loom continues working His way.