Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Mouse in the house

O little mouse,
Why are you hiding in my house?

Cute, isn't he? (she?) Problem was this little guy somehow found a way into the house. I had just climbed in bed early, weary from a busy day. My youngest daughter was getting ready for bed as well and my husband was working on his laptop in our family room.

I hear the call, Kerry can you come down here? I need your help. Grumbling mildly to myself about climbing back out of bed, youngest daughter and I head downstairs. My hubby is very carefully setting down his laptop and getting off the sofa. "Are you hurt?" I asked at his ginger movements. "Nope, there's a mouse hiding under the entertainment center."

After shutting the dog in our bedroom, my husband uses a broom and yardstick to "sweep" the little mouse toward the daughter and I who are trying to shoo it toward the door. The mouse ran out and back under after spotting my hopping feet. (I'm not scared of any old little mouse, it's just that rapid scuttling, not knowing where he's going to go!) At this point our daughter is draped across the kitchen counter looking down at the floor. Lot of help she is!

Well, after doing this dance for a few times, the mouse decided to make a run for it. Only he didn't run for the open door, nope. He headed under the stove. Well at least he's contained we thought. My husband swept under the stove with the yardstick. No mouse. Swept again. No mouse. I know I saw him go under there. David finally pulled the drawer out and looked. No mouse. Where could he be?

David decided he better look in the drawer amid the pots and pans. So he took the drawer outside (smart man!) and started lifting out pans. Sure enough, there was the little guy hiding terrified. David tipped the drawer and the mouse jumped free and scrambled away.

We breathed a sigh of relief. Until I realized the mouse had been in the pans!! Everything had to be sterilized that night, of course. So no early to bed that night. But at least the mouse was out!


Chris Krycho said...

Nice. :D It's a great story, and I love the way you told it.

Love you!

Anonymous said...

very funny . . . now, of course! i can just picture the three of you ... and why is it that our children love to lay out on top of the counters?

ewwww ... i would have sterilized everything that night, too ... ewwwwww