Wednesday, July 18, 2007

One day at a time . . .

Today as I am pondering what to blog about, I am looking over at my calendar and contemplate the next few weeks.

Next week includes a graduation luncheon for our son at the Focus Institute, my youngest daughter's orientation, and our family leaving for Yellowstone. The Friday after we return, our son leaves for Oklahoma the same day as we have a end-of-summer, new college student send-off barbecue. The following Tuesday, the 7th, youngest starts school.

Then on Saturday, my older daughter has a study-prep session at the college while I have an all day Writer's Summer Camp session. On the 14th, oldest daughter moves on campus. And in between, I am trying to write, prepare for trip, paint youngest's bedroom (hopefully!), help oldest daughter sort and pack, hit doctor's appointments, and shop for all three kids for school needs.

The reason I listed all of that is to stop for a moment and ask why I allow a calendar to dictate my days and how I feel about them. I like being busy, productive. However, when I look at the full weeks ahead, I start to get stressed. But the Lord never intended for the days (or weeks) of schedules in front of us to set our moods or our days. A song I love says, "All of my days are held in Your hand, crafted into Your perfect plan."

Yes, we need to plan, but ultimately, He is the One who is to tell us what each day should contain. Each day I am learning anew how to ask Him, "Lord what would You have for me today?" As I do that, even when the calendar is full, I relax, knowing that all I have to do or take care of is what's right before me now. The next hour, next appointment, next day, will take care of itself. I only have grace for this moment.

Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice! Let your gentle spirit be known to all men. The Lord is near. Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus (Phil. 4:4-7).

May you find rest, refreshment, and peace to walk through your days as you allow Him to show you what's to do each moment of every day.


Anonymous said...

excellent, Kerry. my Mentor taught me to only live through things once ... when i worry and fret over them ahead of time, i live through it more than once ... a waste of time. unfortunately, i haven't balanced that all the way yet! sometimes i don't think of what i need to do at all till the moment when i should have given it at least *some* previous thought! and then at other times, i do really well till that one moment and it's like the world is falling apart! hummm . . . guess i can't learn everything first try ... or second ... or third ... or ........ ;)

Curious Servant said...

Thank you for your kind words and prayers.

I don't know what will happen... I have so little control over this situation.

I am grateful you left me a note on my blog.