Monday, June 16, 2008

Finding time...

I am having a hard time finding time to do the things that nourish my heart or "sharpen the saw" in Steven Covey terms. It seems like we just keep getting busier and busier and time slows for no man. :)

Anyway tonight I was working on one of my guild lessons and while I have found most of the lessons really helpful and felt that I learned something from each of them... I must say that screenwriting should be labeled screamwriting for me. :p

I have other things I want/need to write and yet I can't seem to find the motivation when I do actually have the time. And with summer here and two girls at home, there seems to always be someone around. Don't get me wrong, I love having the girls home. I also like time alone since I seem to need that to think and write.

When I tried to explain to my husband about how I need to get lost in the writing world I am creating, he didn't get it at first. I told him that when I am writing fiction (or even some non-fiction), I get immersed in the world and interruptions (yes, even little ones) stop the flow of thoughts and ideas.

Just a day or two later he sent me this quote: “The author in his book must be like God in his universe, everywhere present and nowhere visible.” – Gustave Flaubert (French Novelist). I appreciate his encouragement to me.

I am planning to get a few articles written this weekend for a magazine that I think would be a good fit for my writing and my passion. That's about all on the writing front for now. Besides trying to find time to get into my protagonist's head and talk with her some more. I may just take Saturday as a writing sabbatical and run away somewhere (close) and spend the day writing.


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