Friday, April 13, 2007

Busy day, time flies

Today is my sweet daughter's 18th birthday. As do so many parents, I wonder where did the time go? Seems like just yesterday ... her fluffy, blond curls swirled round her two-year-old head as she picked flowers from my garden to give to me, her tiny little fingers curled round mine to stay safe as we crossed the street. Her giggles filled the house as she and her younger sister would play dress up again and again, all the way up till she entered high school and started playing dress up for real. Her easy laughter even now always lightens our home, she knows just how to make her dad laugh even after the toughest day. We joke that she has had him wrapped around her little finger since the day he held her in the hospital asking with trembling voice, how do I raise a girl?

Today, we delight in this wonderful young lady who is compassionate, discerning, knows her Lord and loves Him with her whole heart. We are excited about the plans the Lord is unfolding in her life. I do not fear for her as she leaves for college next fall, I know she is secure in the Lord's love and He will guide her safely each day. She can be intense at times, like everyone in our house :P, but she is also the one who laughs the easiest. Thank you, Jesus, for the gift of raising this beautiful young woman for you.

Today is busy with writing as well. I am working on an article about the military families today which will be both for my lesson and I am going to submit it when I get the comments back on it. I also have three other possibilities for articles to pitch which need to be done by next Wednesday. So I'm off to write!


Anonymous said...

Wow, Kerry, what a poignant day for you and David. Time really does fly. The myriad of emotions ... it really was just yesterday that we held them in our arms for the first time. May God fill your heart with all you need and desire as you walk through these days.

Blessed son of the King said...

There are tears in my eyes as I read the memories of yesteryear and the realness and nearness of today. All too quickly flies the time...

Remember the words to the song?
And these days just seem to fly ... away.