Monday, April 9, 2007


Just a quick update, this is looking like a busy week. Lots of work, needing to get my Writer's Guild lesson done, meeting with my critique group Friday and am supposed to have at least one article written by then about the military families. Not sure how to juggle it all. I will update more on the writing later.

On top of that I have physical therapy continuing for my back. Trying to be patient (not a strong suit for me), but it is frustrating at times to be limited in what I can do. So I am going to try to extend my walks this week to at least get a little more exercise which will probably help with the general malaise I have been feeling.

There are many deep prayer needs as well, for dear ones in my life, so I have spent many hours (usually at night :P) interceding for the breakthroughs that are needed. All are spiritual, some physical as well. I am praying for eyes to be opened, for discernment that is keen and focused, that Jesus alone will get all the glory. I have been reminded this week that the Lord does not need nor even want my sacrifices. He wants my devotion. He has said that all I need do is obey His voice. Sometimes that is the hardest thing to do when I have so many other voices clamoring for attention. These voices come to me in my own heart and desires, in the pressures of the expectations of others, of "Christianity," of commitments I have made both wisely and foolishly.

Yet this morning I read again that Jesus said the one He sets free is free indeed. Lord, help us all to leave behind the baggage that we all too easily pick up and lug around. May we all learn to walk in obedience to Your voice alone, then we shall be truly free indeed. All You have for us is life abundant.


1 comment:

Ame said...

In the middle of some really tough times, my counselor gave me some Bible verses to work through. One of them was that all-time standard, "All things work together for them that love the Lord, to them who are called according to His purpose." As I fleshed this verse out, God showed me some things.

We're all being called - many voices calling for us to accomplish their purposes. One of those voices is God's. And this is the difference with their purposes and God's purposes - God's purposes are always for our own good; they are never selfish for God; His good IS our good. No one else; nothing else; can or will do that.

So, when we ask God to weed out all the other voices so we can hear His alone, and we choose God's voice calling to us out of our deep love for Him - not in a legalistic kinda way, and we follow Him, we are following the voice calling to us which is desiring our good wrapped up in His purposes, which are always for our good.

Not only that, only God can truly work things together for our good - only God. No one else knows us so well that they can do that, even when they try.

Dear God, I lift Kerry up to You. Filter out all the voices clamoring for her attention so the only voice she hears is Yours. Heal her back, and fill her with inexplicable peace and calm as she works through the process of therapy. I love You, Ame