Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Breathing Prayer

Prayer is hard work, no doubt about it. When Paul admonished us to pray without ceasing, visions of nuns or monks cloistered away from the world, down on their knees praying in absolute silence is what comes to mind. However, I am finding that praying without ceasing is becoming something that is like breathing.

Lately there have been several situations in the lives of loved ones that have been distressing. Issues of the heart, health concerns, anxiety over choices being made have all crowded my heart and mind constantly.

There have been nights of little or no sleep, days of busyness weighted down by the intercession I have been called to do. And I have found that when the burden is great, I am praying without ceasing. I am breathing prayer.

As I lay in bed awake at night, I doze off with prayers on my lips. As I roll over and inhale, another prayer goes up. During the day, as I work, my mind is occupied with the task at hand. But my heart is still praying. How do I know this? Because whenever I stop to “catch my breath, ” whenever my mind stops just for a second, there is prayer going out of me, just as I exhale each time. I am breathing prayer.

Just yesterday I received a copy of Pray! magazine and one article is titled, "Breathing Prayer." I found it an interesting "coincidence" that this article showed up at the same time that I had been contemplating this. The author's focus was different than what the Lord had been showing me though. This pastor was seeing how the act of breathing could be a reminder of allowing the Holy Spirit to live and work more freely in his life. He quoted a prayer/poem by A.B. Simpson, who was founder of the Christian and Missionary Alliance:

"Breathing Out and Breathing In"
Jesus, Breathe Thy Spirit on me,
Teach me how to breathe Thee in,
Help me pour into Thy bosom
All my life of self and sin.

I am breathing out my own life,
That I may be filled with Thine;
Letting go my strength and weakness,
Breathing in Thy life divine.

Breathing out my sinful nature,
Thou hast borne it all for me;
Breathing in Thy cleansing fullness,
Finding all my life in Thee.

I am breathing out my sorrow,
On Thy kind and gentle breast;
Breathing in Thy joy and comfort,
Breathing in Thy peace and rest.

I am breathing out my longings,
In Thy list'ning loving ear,
I am breathing in Thy answers,
Stilling every doubt and fear.

I am breathing every moment,
Drawing all my life from Thee;
Breath by breath I live upon Thee,
Blessed Spirit, breathe in me.

Good stuff to contemplate. Blessings.


Blessed son of the King said...

Good post.
I like what you shared about what the Lord has been showing you about breathing prayer more than the poem though.

Anonymous said...

i love this - a way of life - sustenance ... "the air i breathe" ...

oldest had her first piano recital sunday ... i told her to sit at the bench, fold her hands in her lap, close her eyes, and breathe in deeply praying, "i love You, God," and praying the same as she breathed out ... then begin to play.

i love the way you shared ... i love more that this is who you are :)