Friday, May 4, 2007

Writing on...

Yesterday I spent a good portion of the day working on a lesson which requires me to analyze an article. I am finding that while there is some basic structure to most articles, they don't all fit the format. Kind of a "duh" moment. Just like in art, there are rules, but the rules are there to lend structure not to kill creativity.

I am once again struck with how the Word applies to every area of our lives: the letter of the law kills, but the Spirit gives life. Problems arise when someone like me, who loves routine and structure, tries to abide by the letter of the law and finds that the life has been sucked right out of whatever I am working on. Okay, Lord, I get the reminder once again, I have to abide in your Spirit and follow His leading. The "rules" for any area are really only guidelines, not unchangeable laws.

My husband pointed me to a recent post by Mike Duran which I read today. It was certainly food for thought. I am still learning how to allow people in to be those supporting my writing. I have shared it only sparingly with a select few. I think partly from fear of being laughed at and partly from fear of being held accountable to actually do something. Flip sides of the same coin. Silly, really. But who can understand our warped minds and hearts? :P

Also this post caused me to consider that some of what I have been going through lately could actually be attack from the enemy who doesn't want me to write. Which makes me want to write all the more, since that confirms what the Lord has called me to do.

Another good reminder came from the post by Rachel Anne Ridge on Writer Interrupted. She wrote a analogy based on her donkey and how he has gotten stuck in ruts of his own choosing because he never looks up. Hmmmm . . .that can also certainly describe me: a creature of habit. Okay, I see the point the Lord is trying to make with me today. Gotta look up, gotta walk freely in the Spirit, dare to try to new things, and LOOK UP! :)


Anonymous said...

"when someone like me, who loves routine and structure, tries to abide by the letter of the law..."

we balance each other ... i HATE routine ... well ... hate is very strong ... i tend to be repelled by routine. i don't mind it so much ALL the time, it's just that, when i've got a routine, i need to keep it. when it gets broken, picking it up again becomes something i let slip to the bottom of my to-do list ... which, of course, is not set in stone, because then that would be a rule, and i'm repelled by rules!

so, God has to work with me from the other end of the spectrum ... to get me to create more definition in my life ;)

"I have shared it only sparingly with a select few." - i have a difficult time sharing my dreams, even while in progress, too.

"I think partly from fear of being laughed at and partly from fear of being held accountable to actually do something. Flip sides of the same coin." - and for the same reasons ;)

but, as you say, "who can understand our warped minds and hearts?"

it's hard to stick our heads out of our shell and look around ... and even harder to stay out there when someone notices us ... and then when they take interest in our work! eeeeeek!!!!!!!

but without the risk, really, there is no forward movement in life. isolation collapses us ... community propels us.

good for you for being open to moving forward, even if that means being in community in order to do so!

Blessed son of the King said...

By jove! I think she is starting to get it.