Tuesday, March 20, 2007


At church on Sunday, someone spoke about dreams that the Lord has placed in our hearts and how we must stay true to them by whatever means we can. He had been encouraging a young lady who has a passion to play violin, but felt she had no time or energy left to do so after working all day. He said start with what you do have; start with five minutes a day. Without distraction or excuses, give those five minutes fully to the Lord. Begin to appropriate that dream, one day at a time, five minutes at a time and see how the Lord will cause that time to blossom and grow until the dream He placed in you is fulfilled.

This resonated with me so much in my writing. Some days I charge ahead; some days I take two steps back. The way to appropriate anything is by making the choice today, right now, to go the way that God is calling me. Right now I have the choice to write or to burrow into the demands of the day.

Right now, I am choosing to write. Maybe not those 1000 words a day I promised myself. But I will write, even if only for five minutes. I am deciding to make small goals instead of large ones. That way I can celebrate and feel I have accomplished something. Today's goal: write a focus statement for the book. A writer buddy suggested this as a way to keep everything on track. So that is the goal today.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


i like smaller goals, too :)

so, did you come up with your statement?