Monday, March 5, 2007

Writing goals

I have realized that I am a goal-oriented person. And as much as I stress under deadlines sometimes, I actually am much more productive when I have them to push me.

With that said, I am establishing writing goals of working on the book about military families for at least 1 hour per day/5 days per week. I will write at least 1000 words per day so that within 14 weeks I will have a first draft done. I want the first draft finished by mid-June. That gives me a couple of weeks off when family will be here for my daughter's graduation at the end of May. And I want my proposal ready to go before the end of May.

I have already written about 500 words this morning and then called my mom to interview her about the time my dad was deployed when I was a girl. So I still have more writing to accomplish today, although I have spent over an hour on the project. I am going to call my dad later today to talk with him about that time frame and I know that will help fill in some of the blanks for me as well.

I also have written an article for MOMSense magazine which I will polish this week and send off to them. And then I have to work at editing. While I do still enjoy the editing, I am finding more and more that it is like a rude interruption when I really want to spend my time writing. Ah, well. . .income is still needed, so work I must. When I feel like whining, I just remind myself that there are many writers out there who work full time and still manage to write. So I just need to get over myself and get to work!

I am also planning on posting at least 4-5 days per week. I realize I don't have to be profound or go on at length to blog. Enough said, work is calling.

1 comment:

Blessed son of the King said...

I really like the new name and look!

Good idea to get add to your blog more often. ;)

Looking forward to seeing much more as you are progressing.