Thursday, March 8, 2007

Not much writing today

Just a quick accountability check. Not much writing happened today. Instead I ran from a doctor's appointment for my back, home briefly, to an appointment at the dentist, then to a massage (AHHHH!) and then home again to take care of life here.

My back is one of those things in life that I can either choose to get frustrated about or choose to look up and see how God will get the glory. Basically I have several discs which are compressed. I think the doctor said degenerated. But they are not bad enough to require major intervention, for which I am very grateful. This is what I felt the Lord speaking to me in the midst of waiting for x-ray results.

The part which could be frustrating is that there is nothing the medical community can do, my back will just go into spasms throughout the rest of my life whenever it chooses to do so. I, instead, am choosing to do all that I can (physical therapy, exercise, weight management) so that I can live as fully as possible. And when the Lord allows my back to spasm, I will choose to sit at His feet and rest. While the pain can be difficult to bear at those times, I am finding that whether I am up and going or laid down in a spasm, I can be at peace when I know that all of my days are in His hand.

Now, I hear a hot bath calling me to soak my aching muscles.


Chris Krycho said...

Glad to hear that at least we know what is going on there now. That is not nothing. And while there may be nothing the medical community can do, we can continue to pray that God will use this for His glory, whatever that looks like - whether it be your continuing to carry this and simply be a testimony to others in the midst of it, or whether it be your healing. I am confident He will be glorified whatever the circumstances look like. Thanks for your dedication to His name!

I will be calling you tomorrow, probably. For right now, I'm extremely weary, but I still need to spend some time in the word and finish some other stuff. I think the other stuff may wait till morning. I love you!

Anonymous said...

i've weaved my life in and out of back pain for years, too - different though. i understand. learning to relax into that which God does not remove :)

ahhh ... a hot bath :)

Anonymous said...

It must be so difficult to have good quality of life when you're struggling with such pain. I'll make sure to keep you and your back in my prayers. When it comes to praying, I try to remain faithful in remembering from the book of Matthew, "Again, I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven." If someone else agrees with me for your healing, then we'll definitely have something going for us. Amen.