Saturday, March 24, 2007

Productive day

Yesterday was a productive day in many ways. I was able to drop off some work, pick up some work, attend my critique group, and watch a new favorite movie.

My critique group ended up being only two of us, but it was a productive time for us both. Linda and I had only met once before at the writer's conference, but we got to know one another better yesterday. I read some of Linda's assignments for her journalism class and hopefully gave her some pointers.

I showed her the intro, questionnaire, and first three chapters outline for the book. She had some good input on the writing and strongly encouraged me to get some articles written about the military families since there are so many stories to tell within the book. I am thinking this will be a great way to get the initial stories out and build readership, which is something publishers like to see.

She has a contact for me who is head of a Family Readiness Group here at Fort Carson. And today on my Weight Watcher's message board group, I met a Navy wife. The Lord keeps opening so many doors. I need wisdom on how and when to walk through them. So much to do, so little time!!

And the movie I watched is a definite new favorite, "Stranger than Fiction." It has a little language and one scene of nudity (not sexual), but it is funny and also makes me think. It brings up the question of who is in control of our lives. What sort of life we lead depends greatly on what we think our purpose is and if we are really in control.

As a Christian, I know Who is in control and because of that hope, I can have peace and purpose. My life is not given over to futility. The other level I relate to in this movie is as a writer. Ah, the world of writing is a world within itself, even for the non-fiction writer. And how much more so for the fiction writer. So many have said their characters are "real" people to them. And this movie portrays that in a tragic yet comedic way. Anyway if you want a movie that makes you think, laugh, and ponder, this would be it. (Just keep in mind the couple of offensive things listed above.)

My wonderful DH is planning on working on my web site today and we are hoping to finish it! That would be great if we can. He has put so much time into this, on top of everything else for which he is responsible.



Anonymous said...

you are making such wise choices as you progress through your book. your passion and deep, heart-felt emotion and connection will shine through the pages and delve deep into the hearts of others. may your words also move us to more than simply emotion.

Kerry Krycho said...

Thanks Ame. That is truly my prayer. :)

Christina Tarabochia said...

I just moved "Stranger Than FIction" to the top of my queue at netflix. ;-)